Calculation and Design of Industrial Filtration Systems

To remove suspended particles and contaminants present in industrial systems such as HVAC systems, water purifiers, treatment plants, etc., the following steps are taken for the calculation and design of industrial filtration:

Identifying the Type of Suspended Particles and Contaminants in the Industrial System: To calculate and design industrial filtration, the type of suspended particles present in the industrial system must be identified. For example, in HVAC systems, suspended particles may include dust, chemicals, and bacteria.

Determining the Dimensions and Technical Specifications of the Filter: After identifying the type of suspended particles, the dimensions and technical specifications of the filter required to remove them need to be calculated. This includes particle size, particle mass, filter capacity, filter pressure resistance, etc.

Selecting the Type of Filter: After calculating the technical specifications of the filter, the appropriate type of filter to remove the desired particles needs to be selected. Different types of filters such as panel filters, cellulose filters, HEPA filters, etc., are available, each capable of removing specific types of particles.

Determining the Number and Combination of Filters: In some cases, to remove suspended particles, multiple filters with a specific combination need to be used. In this stage, the number and combination of filters required to remove suspended particles are calculated.

Installation and Commissioning of Filtration: After calculating and designing the filtration, the filters need to be installed, and the filtration system needs to be commissioned. In this stage, appropriate tools should be used for the installation and commissioning of the filters.

Finally, it is important to remember that the calculation and design of industrial filtration are crucial for maintaining air and water quality and reducing health and environmental costs.